जम्मू केंद्रीय विश्वविद्यालय

Central University of Jammu


Post Graduate Programmes

  • PEO1: To create and disseminate knowledge to the students about basics of environment and environment problem at local, regional and global scale.
  • PEO2: To make the students to apply their knowledge for efficient environmental decision-making, management & sustainable development.
  • PEO3: Ability to use Instrumentation tools, technological Methods in treatment at local, regional and global scale to develop management strategies.
  • PEO4: To produce confident, technical, creative and employable personals with necessary skills for future environmental leaders on the part of academic-industry partnership.
  • PEO5: To prepare students for successful career in Environment departments, Research Institutes, Industries, Consultancies and NGOs, etc.
  • PO1: Through dissertation, student can identify a particular environmental problem, review the literature for finding the gaps, develop research methodology, collect data and carry out data analysis and interpretation for finding a suitable solution and acquire the ability to write the research findings in the form of structured thesis and communicate the research results through oral or poster presentations.
  • PO2: Understand the basic concepts of Environments and its components alongwith their interactions through study of Ecologists components alongwith their interactions through study of Ecology, Biodiversity, Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Geology, Clean Energy alternatives,Waste management and Environmental Impact Assessment alongwith IPR and Instrumental Techniques.
  • PO3: Students will be able to gain technical skills and knowledge regarding Vermitechnology, Mushroom cultivation and Intellectual Property Rights.
  • PO4: Student will be able to analyze the ethical, cross-cultural and historical context of environmental ethos and ixxnes via the links between human and natural resources in reference to the traditional knowledge systems of India.